LBCC offers the Associate of Arts Oregon Transfer degree (AAOT).  All state schools in the Oregon University System will accept the Oregon Transfer Degrees with 100% credit transfer with minimum GPA.  Most will also accept your transfer with 30 or so credits (about 2 quarters).  Please remember that specific programs within the universities might have additional requirements for entry.  Transer information is as follows:

Public Schools Minimum GPA Minimun Course Hours Required for Transfer
University of Oregon (NT1) 2.5 36
Oregon State University (NT1) 2.25 36
Portland State University (NT2) 2.25 30
Eastern Oregon Uni. (RT2) 2.25 30
Western Oregon Uni. (RT1) 2.25 36
Southern Oregon Uni. (RT1) 2.25 36
Oregon Institute of Tech. (RT1) 2.25 36 C- or higher in Math 95 and Writing 115
Private Schools Minimum GPA Minimun Course Hours Required for Transfer
Pacific University (NT1) 2.7 36
3.0 = 6000 scholarship
3.3 = 7000 scholarship
3.5 = 8000 scholarship
3.7 = 9000 scholarship
George Fox University (NT1) 2.5, 3.0 competitive 30
Corban University (RT1) 2.0 47

There are 100% transfer articulation agreements on specific programs with many universities, including:

Ashford University (Unranked)

Montana State  (NT1)

Oregon Health & Science University (NM3 for Primary Care)  – LBCC students can transfer to the nursing program after 1 year if they are accepted.  In addition there are many very high quality Masters and Doctorate programs accessible via LBCC-OUS-OHSU.

Some other resources to help students with transfers can be found at:

There is a nearly infinite number of schools that are happy to accept LBCC credits.  Students should meet with our staff as they prepare to transfer from ELCI to LBCC.  ELCI will help you!